Boost Your Vitality with Male Testosterone Therapy
- What is HRT for Men?
- Why Men Need Testosterone Therapy
- How Bioidentical Testosterone Works
- Treatment Options for Male HRT
- Risks & Side Effects of HRT
- What You Can Expect From HRT
What is HRT for Men
Male Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a specialized treatment program that addresses the issues caused by low testosterone in men. Testosterone levels naturally decline as men age, and the rate of decline can be variable from person to person. Testosterone levels can also be influenced by stress, chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity and other lifestyle factors.
The loss of testosterone can lead to symptoms such as:
- Fatigue
- Loss of Focus
- Low Energy
- Irritability
- Poor sleep
- Anxiety
- Loss of Lean Muscle Mass
- Changes in Libido
HRT helps male patients achieve a healthier lifestyle by increasing testosterone levels that are critical to:
- Promoting Good Cardiovascular Health
- Maintaining a Healthy Weight
- Preventing Type 2 Diabetes
- Increasing Energy and Focus
- Maintaining Lean Muscle Mass
Why Men Need Testosterone Therapy
It is estimated that over 45% of men aged 45 or older have low testosterone levels. Low testosterone (Low T) has been found to be more common in men with Type 2 diabetes or those on chronic opioid pain medications.
Low testosterone is usually defined in the medical community as a total testosterone level less than 300 mg/dl. In reality, an OPTIMAL testosterone level in men varies but is anywhere from 600 to 1000 mg/dL.
The enhancement of male testosterone levels is supported in the clinical literature, but there is still a lack of understanding in the medical community about when and how to test men and more importantly, how to treat and monitor them.
The result is many men who have these symptoms are being told “you are just getting older, it’s normal aging” or not being tested or treated appropriately.
At VLH we feel this is a serious medical issue that needs to be corrected. Men are being needlessly treated for depression, sleeplessness and anxiety when in many cases the real problem is an undiagnosed hormone deficiency.
How Bioidentical Testosterone Works
Bioidentical testosterone is a synthetic, laboratory-created hormone that is chemically and molecularly identical to the testosterone naturally produced by the body.
Because of this, the body can recognize, utilize, and metabolize bioidentical testosterone effectively. This allows us to treat the symptoms of Low T in men, while safely managing and delivering the best results for each individual HRT patient.
The bioidentical testosterone can be administered via multiple methods, including:
- Patches
- Topical gels
- Injections
- Implanted Hormone Pellets
HRT treatment for men boosts testosterone levels to an optimal state with the expected benefit of resolution of symptoms of low testosterone within 4-6 weeks. BHRT treatment options range from:
- Testosterone injections
- Topical testosterone preparations (placed on the skin daily)
- Testosterone or “Pellet” Implants
- Troches (lozenges absorbed on the tongue)
Treatment Options for Male HRT
Clomid Pill
A popular treatment option for our patients is the endocrine stimulator, Clomid. Clomid is an oral medication that increases the hormone signal in the body (called LH) that increases testosterone production. With the use of this medication taken as a half or whole pill daily many men can increase their testosterone levels into the optimal range without utilizing testosterone therapy.
The advantages of this type of treatment are easy compliance and retained fertility. We know that treatment with testosterone will actually lower our sperm counts and will shut down the body’s testosterone production in most men. We will know within 6 weeks if Clomid therapy is successful for HRT with most patients.
Human Chorionic Gondatrophin (hCG) Injections
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is injected intramuscularly, usually 3 times weekly and is another endocrine stimulator. It works by mimicking the natural Luteinizing Hormone (LH). Like Clomid, hCG helps promote natural testosterone production in men, helps prevent testicular shrinkage that can result from prolonged bioidentical testosterone use, and preserves fertility by boosting sperm production.
Testosterone Injections
Bioidentical Testosterone Cypionate shots are administered intramuscularly — typically in the buttocks, thigh, or upper arm region — every 6-10 days depending on the patients’ hormone metabolism. Most men do great with weekly injections on the same day of the week.
Since this testosterone preparation is a “depot” preparation, it can support the body for up to a week at a time, delivering a slow, steady rate of absorption over 3-5 days to maintain optimal testosterone levels. When used subcutaneously (under the skin), it is absorbed more rapidly and requires twice weekly injections in most patients. The payoff is that SQ injections are generally easier to do for patients.
Topical Hormone Gels
Hormones delivered topically are commercially prepared transdermal gels or solutions, including:
- Axiron
- Fortesta
- Androgel
- Compound Gels or Suspension from a Compound Pharmacy
Topical hormone gels are typically applied directly to clean, dry skin in the upper arm, abdomen, thighs, or shoulder region on a daily basis. They need 3-5 minutes to dry and will absorb through the skin into the bloodstream over several hours.
Swimming or sweating can severely limit their effectiveness, and there is some risk of localized allergic reaction or acne to the application area (usually the shoulder or bicep area). Women should not contact the areas applied for several hours or the testosterone can be transferred to them and upset their hormonal balance.
There are some patients that do not have absorption through the skin or absorption may be compromised by hair on the application area. For these patients other methods are advised. Additionally this method creates the highest levels of DHT, a powerful testosterone metabolite that can negatively affect hair growth on the top of the scalp leading to thinning hair and balding.
Testosterone Pellet Implants
Testosterone Pellets are a long-lasting, convenient method of alleviating symptoms through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men. Bioidentical testosterone hormone pellets are implanted underneath the skin — in the buttocks or hip area — via a small incision.
Once implanted, the compounded hormone pellets are slowly degraded over a 5-6 month time window in which the levels are very stable, providing long lasting testosterone support. This allows the patient to maintain more stable hormone levels while avoiding major fluctuations that can occur with other forms of HRT for men such as testosterone injections.
*Note that we do NOT use the TESTOPEL implants that are commercially available and last up to 3 months on average.
Risks & Side Effects of HRT for Men
While male HRT is safe under experienced medical supervision, some potential side effects include:
- Increased Red Blood Cell Count
- Fluid Retention
- Acne and Hair Loss on the Top of the Head
For these reasons we monitor our patients closely and check labs every 3.5 months with follow up visits to discuss labs and changes to therapy (if needed) every 4 months. If indicated, we do refer patients with elevated red blood cell count to LifeSouth for a therapeutic blood draw to remove the excess red blood cells.
Dosage adjustment can also decrease this side effect in many patients. Those with untreated or undiagnosed sleep apnea (which can lead to low testosterone levels) may need further sleep evaluation and monitoring.
Potential Long-Term Risks & Side Effects
Prolonged testosterone replacement therapy can sometimes include:
- Shrinking of the Testicles and Infertility: to prevent testicular shrinkage, Clomid or hCG may be used in concert with testosterone therapy.
- Hair loss on the Crown, Top and Forehead Area: this is a genetic condition called androgenic alopecia and affects both men and women. There are medications that can be either oral or topical to decrease this side effect if needed.
- Formation of Acne: it is more likely in men who had acne as teens and usually occurs on the chest or back area. Often, adjusting hormone levels and topical medications combined with good skin care can eliminate acne.
The HRT experts at Vital Living Healthcare closely monitor every patient’s hormone levels and health to ensure optimal, safe results, adjusting dosages and methods as needed.
What Male Patients Can Expect From HRT
Initial Consultation
Your HRT journey with Vital Living Healthcare starts with an initial complimentary meet and greet with Dr. Cox or Jordan Carney, CRNP where you will discuss your symptoms and goals for treatment.
If you choose to move forward with treatment the next steps are a blood draw to assess your hormone levels and an hour consultation where you will learn the science behind HRT, the efficacy and safety of treatment and the options available to you to begin your journey.
After beginning treatment we will check your labs 6 weeks later to determine how the therapy is working and meet with you to discuss the labs, get your feedback and make adjustments to the plan if needed.
Getting HRT Treatments
Vital Living Health provides patients access to a supportive, expert HRT team committed to your overall wellness. Our approach for HRT for men includes:
- Personalized Check-Ins and Adjustments: These help you achieve your treatment goals, providing the guidance you need every step of the way. It’s important to remember that HRT is not one size fits all treatment. Your treatment is customized to meet your individualized needs.
Many of our male HRT patients come to us from other facilities who specialize in “one size fits all” approaches due to referrals from friends and family. We believe that if hormones are worth doing, they should be done to the best of our ability for each individual patient.
What is HRT for Men?
What is HRT for Men
Male Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a specialized treatment program that addresses the issues caused by low testosterone in men. Testosterone levels naturally decline as men age, and the rate of decline can be variable from person to person. Testosterone levels can also be influenced by stress, chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity and other lifestyle factors.
The loss of testosterone can lead to symptoms such as:
- Fatigue
- Loss of Focus
- Low Energy
- Irritability
- Poor sleep
- Anxiety
- Loss of Lean Muscle Mass
- Changes in Libido
HRT helps male patients achieve a healthier lifestyle by increasing testosterone levels that are critical to:
- Promoting Good Cardiovascular Health
- Maintaining a Healthy Weight
- Preventing Type 2 Diabetes
- Increasing Energy and Focus
- Maintaining Lean Muscle Mass
Why Men Need Testosterone Therapy
Why Men Need Testosterone Therapy
It is estimated that over 45% of men aged 45 or older have low testosterone levels. Low testosterone (Low T) has been found to be more common in men with Type 2 diabetes or those on chronic opioid pain medications.
Low testosterone is usually defined in the medical community as a total testosterone level less than 300 mg/dl. In reality, an OPTIMAL testosterone level in men varies but is anywhere from 600 to 1000 mg/dL.
The enhancement of male testosterone levels is supported in the clinical literature, but there is still a lack of understanding in the medical community about when and how to test men and more importantly, how to treat and monitor them.
The result is many men who have these symptoms are being told “you are just getting older, it’s normal aging” or not being tested or treated appropriately.
At VLH we feel this is a serious medical issue that needs to be corrected. Men are being needlessly treated for depression, sleeplessness and anxiety when in many cases the real problem is an undiagnosed hormone deficiency.
How Bioidentical Testosterone Works
How Bioidentical Testosterone Works
Bioidentical testosterone is a synthetic, laboratory-created hormone that is chemically and molecularly identical to the testosterone naturally produced by the body.
Because of this, the body can recognize, utilize, and metabolize bioidentical testosterone effectively. This allows us to treat the symptoms of Low T in men, while safely managing and delivering the best results for each individual HRT patient.
The bioidentical testosterone can be administered via multiple methods, including:
- Patches
- Topical gels
- Injections
- Implanted Hormone Pellets
HRT treatment for men boosts testosterone levels to an optimal state with the expected benefit of resolution of symptoms of low testosterone within 4-6 weeks. BHRT treatment options range from:
- Testosterone injections
- Topical testosterone preparations (placed on the skin daily)
- Testosterone or “Pellet” Implants
- Troches (lozenges absorbed on the tongue)
Treatment Options for Male HRT
Treatment Options for Male HRT
Clomid Pill
A popular treatment option for our patients is the endocrine stimulator, Clomid. Clomid is an oral medication that increases the hormone signal in the body (called LH) that increases testosterone production. With the use of this medication taken as a half or whole pill daily many men can increase their testosterone levels into the optimal range without utilizing testosterone therapy.
The advantages of this type of treatment are easy compliance and retained fertility. We know that treatment with testosterone will actually lower our sperm counts and will shut down the body’s testosterone production in most men. We will know within 6 weeks if Clomid therapy is successful for HRT with most patients.
Human Chorionic Gondatrophin (hCG) Injections
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is injected intramuscularly, usually 3 times weekly and is another endocrine stimulator. It works by mimicking the natural Luteinizing Hormone (LH). Like Clomid, hCG helps promote natural testosterone production in men, helps prevent testicular shrinkage that can result from prolonged bioidentical testosterone use, and preserves fertility by boosting sperm production.
Testosterone Injections
Bioidentical Testosterone Cypionate shots are administered intramuscularly — typically in the buttocks, thigh, or upper arm region — every 6-10 days depending on the patients’ hormone metabolism. Most men do great with weekly injections on the same day of the week.
Since this testosterone preparation is a “depot” preparation, it can support the body for up to a week at a time, delivering a slow, steady rate of absorption over 3-5 days to maintain optimal testosterone levels. When used subcutaneously (under the skin), it is absorbed more rapidly and requires twice weekly injections in most patients. The payoff is that SQ injections are generally easier to do for patients.
Topical Hormone Gels
Hormones delivered topically are commercially prepared transdermal gels or solutions, including:
- Axiron
- Fortesta
- Androgel
- Compound Gels or Suspension from a Compound Pharmacy
Topical hormone gels are typically applied directly to clean, dry skin in the upper arm, abdomen, thighs, or shoulder region on a daily basis. They need 3-5 minutes to dry and will absorb through the skin into the bloodstream over several hours.
Swimming or sweating can severely limit their effectiveness, and there is some risk of localized allergic reaction or acne to the application area (usually the shoulder or bicep area). Women should not contact the areas applied for several hours or the testosterone can be transferred to them and upset their hormonal balance.
There are some patients that do not have absorption through the skin or absorption may be compromised by hair on the application area. For these patients other methods are advised. Additionally this method creates the highest levels of DHT, a powerful testosterone metabolite that can negatively affect hair growth on the top of the scalp leading to thinning hair and balding.
Testosterone Pellet Implants
Testosterone Pellets are a long-lasting, convenient method of alleviating symptoms through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men. Bioidentical testosterone hormone pellets are implanted underneath the skin — in the buttocks or hip area — via a small incision.
Once implanted, the compounded hormone pellets are slowly degraded over a 5-6 month time window in which the levels are very stable, providing long lasting testosterone support. This allows the patient to maintain more stable hormone levels while avoiding major fluctuations that can occur with other forms of HRT for men such as testosterone injections.
*Note that we do NOT use the TESTOPEL implants that are commercially available and last up to 3 months on average.
Risks & Side Effects of HRT
Risks & Side Effects of HRT for Men
While male HRT is safe under experienced medical supervision, some potential side effects include:
- Increased Red Blood Cell Count
- Fluid Retention
- Acne and Hair Loss on the Top of the Head
For these reasons we monitor our patients closely and check labs every 3.5 months with follow up visits to discuss labs and changes to therapy (if needed) every 4 months. If indicated, we do refer patients with elevated red blood cell count to LifeSouth for a therapeutic blood draw to remove the excess red blood cells.
Dosage adjustment can also decrease this side effect in many patients. Those with untreated or undiagnosed sleep apnea (which can lead to low testosterone levels) may need further sleep evaluation and monitoring.
Potential Long-Term Risks & Side Effects
Prolonged testosterone replacement therapy can sometimes include:
- Shrinking of the Testicles and Infertility: to prevent testicular shrinkage, Clomid or hCG may be used in concert with testosterone therapy.
- Hair loss on the Crown, Top and Forehead Area: this is a genetic condition called androgenic alopecia and affects both men and women. There are medications that can be either oral or topical to decrease this side effect if needed.
- Formation of Acne: it is more likely in men who had acne as teens and usually occurs on the chest or back area. Often, adjusting hormone levels and topical medications combined with good skin care can eliminate acne.
The HRT experts at Vital Living Healthcare closely monitor every patient’s hormone levels and health to ensure optimal, safe results, adjusting dosages and methods as needed.
What You Can Expect From HRT
What Male Patients Can Expect From HRT
Initial Consultation
Your HRT journey with Vital Living Healthcare starts with an initial complimentary meet and greet with Dr. Cox or Jordan Carney, CRNP where you will discuss your symptoms and goals for treatment.
If you choose to move forward with treatment the next steps are a blood draw to assess your hormone levels and an hour consultation where you will learn the science behind HRT, the efficacy and safety of treatment and the options available to you to begin your journey.
After beginning treatment we will check your labs 6 weeks later to determine how the therapy is working and meet with you to discuss the labs, get your feedback and make adjustments to the plan if needed.
Getting HRT Treatments
Vital Living Health provides patients access to a supportive, expert HRT team committed to your overall wellness. Our approach for HRT for men includes:
- Personalized Check-Ins and Adjustments: These help you achieve your treatment goals, providing the guidance you need every step of the way. It’s important to remember that HRT is not one size fits all treatment. Your treatment is customized to meet your individualized needs.
Many of our male HRT patients come to us from other facilities who specialize in “one size fits all” approaches due to referrals from friends and family. We believe that if hormones are worth doing, they should be done to the best of our ability for each individual patient.
Common Symptoms & Conditions Treated with Testosterone Therapy
Erectile Dysfunction
When caused by low testosterone levels, HRT for men helps to restore vitality and sexual function by optimizing testosterone levels.
Addressing the impacts of low testosterone which include apathy, fatigue, decreased muscle mass, central adiposity, poor sleep and decreased sex drive.
Weight Gain
Testosterone is known to increase lean muscle, decrease central adiposity and decrease insulin resistance that leads to weight gain and prediabetes.
Mood Disorders
Testosterone optimization may be a part of treatment for men (especially those who are 40+) with low mood, depression or anxiety.
Atlanta Male Hormone Therapy FAQs
My Doctor Says My Testosterone Levels Are “Normal” But I Still Feel Bad, Am I Crazy?
NO! Low testosterone is usually defined in the medical community as a total testosterone level less than 300 mg/dl. In reality, an OPTIMAL testosterone level in men is variable but usually over 600 mg/dL. Close to 1000 mg/dl! So, if your number is 301, you will be told it is fine.
This means there are millions of men who are being told every day that they have “normal” testosterone when they have clear symptoms and signs of deficiency. There is no evidence to support this arbitrary designation for hypogonadism. “Normal” may not be optimal for you, which is why it is important to see a physician, NP, or PA who has experience in working with men and HRT. There are many clinics out there that offer TRT for men that take the same approach to every patient. We do not work that way and suggest that you do not go to such a place for treatment.
There is a reason we do one-hour consultations; this allows us to get to know you, find out what you want to accomplish, educate you on your options, and then implement a plan that works for you and your lifestyle. We treat you, not just the labs.
Is HRT Safe for Men?
Yes, HRT is safe — when administered by a qualified healthcare provider. Our expert team tailors every treatment plan to each patient’s unique health profile, making necessary adjustments for safe and effective results based on long-term goals and ongoing testing. Our team monitors progress and addresses concerns, ensuring that each patient experiences optimal results with minimal risks.
Why Do Men Take HRT?
Men take HRT for a variety of reasons, including low testosterone and hormonal imbalances that affect energy, focus, mood, and physical health. In turn, HRT helps men improve mental clarity, physical endurance, and emotional stability, thus enhancing their overall quality of life.
Does HRT Stop Male Pattern Baldness?
No, HRT can actually exacerbate androgenic (hormone drive) alopecia (hair loss) in men and women genetically predisposed to have that happen. We use multiple approaches to decrease hair loss in such individuals including:
- Minoxidil
- DHT Blockers (Finasteride & Dutasteride)
- PRP Injections
All of these can significantly decrease hair loss associated with HRT treatment. There are many people who have both androgenic alopecia and low testosterone. It is known that it is a certain metabolite of testosterone (dihydrotestosterone) that damages the hair follicles.
We do not yet know what level of DHT is required to cause hair loss, but most likely it is variable for each patient. This is why it is important to see a healthcare professional who can advise you on options and treatments that are best for your individual situation. For example, we know that some types of HRT tend to cause higher levels of DHT than others, so avoiding those types in someone with concerns of new or prior hair loss would be advised.
Does HRT Cause Male Infertility?
HRT can affect fertility in some cases — though the impact varies depending on individual response and treatment duration. That’s why our specialists customize treatment plans to prioritize hormone health and reproductive goals, working with each patient as an individual to provide options for HRT that focus on fertility preservation.
How Much Does HRT for Men Cost?
HRT costs vary based on a variety of factors, including individual needs, treatment type, and program duration. At Vital Living Healthcare, we provide a detailed breakdown during your complimentary meet and greet to help you understand the costs and benefits of treatment. Our transparent pricing structure helps patients feel informed, confident, and in control of their long-term health investments.
Get Started with Testosterone Therapy
Starting HRT with Vital Living Healthcare is a straightforward process:
- Initial Consultation: Your journey begins with a complimentary meet-and-greet with Dr. Cox or Jordan Carney, CRNP to discuss your symptoms, goals for treatment, and determine if HRT is right for you.
- Comprehensive Workup: If you decide to move forward, the next steps include a blood draw to assess your hormone levels. Following this, you will have a detailed hour-long consultation where you’ll learn about the science behind HRT, its safety and efficacy, and the treatment options available to you.
- Follow-Up Labs & Plan Adjustments: Six weeks after starting treatment, we will check your labs to evaluate the therapy’s progress. You’ll meet with our team to review your results, provide feedback, and make any necessary adjustments to your plan.
- Personalized Ongoing Support: At Vital Living Healthcare, we believe HRT is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. Our team provides personalized check-ins and adjustments to ensure you achieve your unique treatment goals.

Male Wellness Beyond Testosterone Therapy
Concierge Primary Care Program
Members of our concierge medicine program receive a personalized approach to healthcare, providing you with direct access to your physician and a tailored care plan designed around your unique needs and lifestyle.
Research consistently shows that individualized care improves patient outcomes, from managing chronic conditions to optimizing overall wellness.
By building a close relationship with your physician, you receive comprehensive care beyond routine checkups, helping you proactively address potential health concerns and achieve long-term health goals.
Our concierge model ensures you receive the time, attention, and medical expertise you need to thrive.
Concierge Primary Care Program

Health & Wellness Exams
Through comprehensive health and wellness exams, Vital Living Health builds treatment plans tailored specifically to your unique health needs.
The comprehensive health and wellness exams we offer at Vital Living Healthcare include:
- Biometric Health Screening
- TRUAge Biological Age Testing
- InBody Body Composition Analysis
Our exams allow us to personalize a health blueprint — including lifestyle and diet recommendations, preventive screenings, and ongoing guidance.
Health & Wellness Exams

Physician-Supervised Weight Loss
Our medical weight loss programs — including Semaglutide, Tirzepatide, and other effective treatment options — provide structured, adjustable steps towards long-term weight loss.
Programs include personalized nutritional counseling, regular follow-up appointments, and access to the latest research-backed methods to help you achieve a healthy weight.
Physician-Supervised Weight Loss